

Yoga Dictionary



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Yoga Dictionary of Quotes ©
Compiled by R. John Allcorn

Q - S

Raga (attachment/greed) (cf. Klesa):
“What we do have is not enough and we want more of it. We want to keep what we are asked to give away. This is raga.” (1, p 10)
“Avidya is the root cause of the obstacles that prevent us from recognizing things as they really are. The obstacles are asmita (ego), raga (attachment), dvesa (refusal), and abhinivesa (fear).” (1, p 11-Figure 1)
“When a man knows that his Atman; Is the Atman in all creatures,; Then let him act,; Untainted by action.” (2, p 57)
“All work becomes equally and vitally important. It is only toward the results of work–success or failure, praise or blame–that he remains indifferent.” (2, p 139)

See “Guna”

“Elements of reincarnation are certainly present in the teachings of Christianity.” (10, p 132)

Rishi (cf “vipras”):
“A wise, God-intoxicated seer who served as a vessel for reality, a conduit through which truth could flow.” (13, 69)

“Spiritual discipline” or applying spiritual values and ideals to our lives (26, p 22)

“Brahman can only be experienced in that super conscious state achieved by the saints, which is called samadhi, or union with God. The methods of reaching this state are described at length in the Bhagavad-Gita. When all sense-contact with the outer world has been broken by means of discrimination, spiritual discipline and meditation, the mind is able to turn inward upon itself and realize the presence of the Atman, the immanent Godhead. This is the technique of all mystical practice, and it has been taught by every true religion.” (2, p132)
“Being in the company of the Lord of Life within is call samadhi [spiritual absorption].” (3, 5)
Samadhi is “the super conscious state. In samadhi unity of self with all things is experienced. This is the state of consciousness where heart and mind have been unified and the Yogi is one with life.” (7, p81)

“This process by which an individual jiva passes through a sequence of bodies is known as reincarnation or transmigration of the soul — in Sanskrit samsara, a word that signifies endless passage through cycles of life, death and rebirth.” (25, 63)

“Every work that we do, every movement of the body, every thought that we think, leaves and impression on the mind-stuff [chitta].” (24, p39)

Samtosa (2nd niyama):
Samtosa is “modesty and the feeling of being content with what we have....the real meaning of samtosa—to accept what happens.” (1, p101)

“Total continuous concentration on one object.” (1, p241)
“When dharana, dhyana, and samadhi are concentrated on one object, the resulting state is called samyama.” (1, p110)
“The true goal of samyama is to concentrate on one object and to investigate it until we know everything about it.” (1, p111)
“When these processes [dharana, dhyana, samadhi] are continuously and exclusively applied to the same object it is called samyama.” (1, p185 - translation of sutra 3.4)

“The inability to distinguish what is perceived from what perceives.” (1, p170) “Entanglement or confused identification.” (1, p241)

Sanatana Dharma:
Eternal faith; the vast family of traditions mislabeled ‘Hinduism.’” (13, 76)

“In Buddhism, a Sangha is a group of monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen who practice together to encourage the best qualities in each other.” (10, p 63)

Sankalpa shakti:
“Willpower.” “The power to make one’s intentions manifest.” (14, 83)

“One who has renounced the world and could be a young or older peron.” (L.M., 1/9/05)

Sattva or sattwa:
See "Gunas"

Satya (2nd yama):
“Truthfulness. If speaking the truth has negative consequences for another, then it is better to say nothing. The mahabharata, the great Indian epic, says: ‘Speak the truth which is pleasant. Do not speak unpleasant truth. Do not lie, even if the lies are pleasing to the ear. That is the eternal law, the dharma.’” (1, pp98-99) Satya is not possible “until we first remove this veil of self-deception. It is ourselves we have deceived, and it is ourselves to whom we must first be true. (7, pp61-62)

Seated forward bend:
Back-stretching pose - see Paschimottanasana

"Sera is the Sanskrit term for the spiritual practice of selfless service." (33, 192)

Shakta Upaya:
Techniques involving mental energy which “include study, contemplation, visualization, meditation, and working with mantras mentally.” (See 4 Stages of Spiritual Practice above) (29, 77)

Shalbasana Locust pose:
“Lie on stomach with the hands beside the thighs, palms facing down. Stretch and raise the legs, together with the abdomen as high as possible by pressing the arms against the floor. Make sure the knees do not bend.” (6, p 115)

Shambhava Upaya:
Technioques “involving the use of will” to center our focus or concentration. (See 4 Stages of Spiritual Practice above) (29, 77)

Shambhavi mudra (eyebrow-center gazing):
Sit “in chin or jnana mudra...Focus the eyes on a point directly between the eyebrows and concentrate on that point...meditate on the self (Atman) or the Supreme Consciousness (Paramatma)...a powerful technique for awakening the ajna chakra...brings calmness of mind and removes tension and anger.” (6, pp97-8)

Shitali Pranayama and Shitakari Pranayama (Cooling Breaths):
Shitali Pranayama - Moisten and curl tongue into “tube”; stick tongue out between teeth; inhale through curled tongue; exhale through nose.
Shitakari Pranayama - Moisten and curl tongue, touching hard palate; clinch teeth and draw lips back as far as possible; inhale through teeth; exhale through nose.

“Hinduism has further personified the three functions or aspects of Ishwara as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma represents the divine unction of creation, Vishnu preservation, and Shiva dissolution.” (2, p 132)
“The legend behind the existence of tantra yoga is that it was created and taught to mankind by the Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva, known as the Destroyer, ranks with Lord Brahma, the Creator, and Lord Vishnus, the Maintainer, as one of the three great Gods of Indian religious teaching. the tantra yoga given by Shiva provides the means whereby a man can transcend himself and attain a state of being unified with and equal to that of God, the Absolute, Himself.” (6, p21)

“Accomplishment or perfection” (26, 22)

“Accomplished on or adept” (26, 22)

Siddhasana (Male accomplished Pose or Adept’s Pose):
“Siddhasana is only for men” [See Siddha yoni asana] “Always with jnana or chin mudra.”“The practitioner can thus gain control over sexual functions that is essential to the maintenance of celibacy.” (6, pp72-73)

Siddha yoni asana (Female accomplished Pose or Adept’s Pose):
“Siddha yoni asana is a form of Siddhasana for women that has been handed down only by word of mouth.”; “wishing to control sexual desire.” (6, pp73-74)

“Jivatma (the individual soul in each person)” (6, p96)

Spinal Twists:
Dynamic Spinal Twist - Seated, hold toes with one hand as you move the other around 15-20 times. Increase speed with practice. (6, pp66-67)
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half spinal twist pose) - “Note: This is a very important asana and should be practiced at least once every day. Concentrate on the ajna chakra [#6 third eye]. The spinal nerves are toned, and the back muscles and intervertebral joints are made supple. The asana regulates the secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal glands and also activates the pancreas, thus counteracting diabetic tendencies.” (6, pp68-69) Ardha Matsyendrasana (Hero’s twist pose) - Almost identical directions and “benefits” (4, p24)
Bhu Namanasana (Spinal twist prostration pose) - [not even possible!!] (6, pp69-70)

Stomach lock:
See "Uddiyana bandha"

Subtle Body:
See “The three Bodies” at top

From the Lakshmi Tantra: “deep sleep....your inner senses shut off and lucidity is lost altogether. You become completely unconscious.” (12, p64)

“According to the Upanishads and other sources, the sushumna lies in the central canal of the spinal cord, and has an opening at the Gate of Brahman.” (6, p26) “The Muladhara [chakra] is its starting point.” (6, 141)

Svadhishthana Chakra:
See “Chakras”

"Study to understand the self....associating with like-minded, spiritually-focused people....repetition of a personal mantra." (31, 34)
"Begin with the study of writings that inspire you to feel the presence of the indwelling spirit." (32, 46)

From the Lakshmi Tantra: “the dream state....Your five senses shut down and the inner organs of consciousness switch on.” (12, p64)

CONTACT: R. John Allcorn, M.A., E-RYT

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